Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ken's TV Debut - 'Last Man Standing' Chinese Style!

TRIQUEST'S own purple belt BJJ coach and Muay Thai instructor was chosen to participate in a television pilot based on the concept of martial artists traveling to learn and try other indigenous martial arts.  The first stop was Mongolia, the motherland of Mongolian Wrestling.  While the TV show has't been released yet, you can get an idea of what's going on from Ken's photo album here.

KYLIN BJJ Seminars in China

During 2011, TRIQUEST has been actively growing the sport of BJJ in mainland China.  Hean Instructor Thomas Fan, and Coaches Andy Chan and Victor Chow have been regularly traveling to cities in Guangdong and teaching seminars.  They have been to Shenzhen, Jiangmen and Gongmoon.  Participation is getting stronger as we reach out to share this great sport with more Chinese!

The China Union of BJJ articale about the latest seminar can be read in Chinese here.

Newest TRIQUEST Member: Brandon Fan!

On November 25th, Charlotte and Thomas Fan had their traditional 100-day baby party for their son, Brandon Jun Jie Fan.  That's right, BJJ Fan.  It was a great turn out for all of Thomas' students and friends.  We look forward to the day when Isabella and Brandon can finally get on the mats with us!  Best of luck for health and happiness to the new big Fan family!

KYLIN BJJ In-house Competitions

On November 16th, Kylin BJJ held it's 4th In-house Gi Competition. Congrats to all competitors!!! White belt gold goes to Louis and silver to Ben! Blue/purple absolute gold goes to Gary and silver to Ken!

Boyee was on hand and took some awesome pictures: Kylin Bjj In-House Competition IV (Gi) and so did Victor!

The No Gi competition was held the following week. No GI! Congrats to Ivan Wong ( Champion - 16 man comp) & Stephen W - Heavyweights! These had to be some of the best fights we've ever had at the club:

You can check out the full album here: Kylin Bjj In-House Competition IV (No Gi)

Firearms Training Offered!

TRIQUEST resident Krav Maga Instructor Big Joe regularly leads trips to the Clarke AFB in Manila to engage in tactical firearms training.  Whether or not you expect to ever need a firearm, the training is exciting!

Says Big Joe:
"You've trained in empty hand systems and are fairly decent, you train in your striking game...You roll and grapple in BJJ and mix it all up in MMA.....You train in weapons such as knives/sticks and learn how to utilise these tools effectively....Last but not least... How is your Firearms Training?  Ever consider the thought where you might come across a situation where you may need to deploy and use a firearm?"

TRIQUEST in the News: Muay Thai

Ming's column is back in the Metro HK, this time with an article about Muay Thai boxing.  With Ivan's assistance, Ken goes through the techniques he teaches in class.





TRIQUEST in the News: BJJ

Ming has done another ban-up column, this time on BJJ.  With the assistance of Andy and Ken demonstrating technique, you can read the original article here.


Ken突然起跳,雙腳箝制Andy腰身,將他拉下地面。此動作稱為「Pull Guard」。別看Ken好像被人壓着,巴柔好手身在下位,一樣可怕。




TRIQUEST in the News: Kali

Our own kali coach and resident famous author has a new column in the Metro HK. His first edition was was on kali with Andy Chan assisting in the demonstration. it's in Chinese, or you can use Google translate.

STEP 01: Andy(右)以正手橫刀砍來。

STEP 02: 我以十字防禦擋刀的同時,左手的「alive hand」配合控制Andy手腕。

STEP 03:  左手扭扯對方握刀的手腕的同時,我刀同時垂直向上撩切其心胸。

STEP 04:  我刀轉為橫斬,配合關節扭鎖將對方的刀壓得脫手。

STEP 05:  刀勢不停,繼續斬往對手腰腹。